Thursday, May 29, 2008

Let the Games begin!

A nice run of warm, fair weather greeted fishermen in mid May with air temps in the 70's and water temps approaching the magic 55 degrees here in the Alburgh Passage. Both large and smallmouth bass, northern pike and even the occasional walleye and salmon chased the variety of offerings.

We're happy to welcome friends (both old and new) back to Holiday Harbor for another fishing season. The lake and fishery seem healthy and the scenery is always changing. Thanks to my brother, Mark, for providing some of these nice shots of life in and around Holiday Harbor.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Early Season Salmon

Captain Tony Bushway has been putting his clients on fish all spring as evidenced by these fine catches of Atlantic Salmon. Capt. Tony leaves from Apple Island Marina in South Hero. You can experience some of this exciting fishing by contacting him at (802) 654-9282 or email at These fish are real acrobats; fun to catch and great table fare.

Dandelions and Apple Blossoms

Early spring is preparation time for the approaching fishing season. High water in the Champlain Basin helps to flush out the low lying areas and swamps as fish move in to spawn primarily guided by changing water temperatures. These photos show last fall's water levels compared with this spring.

Docks, which have been safely stored on the shore away from the dangerous ice break-up, are hoisted back into the water. When the water recedes, they will be reattached to the cement foundation anchors using chains.